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Monday, July 26, 2010


Capacitor is a device that can store energy in the electric field, by collecting an internal imbalance of electric charge. Capacitor has units called farads. Discovered by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Capacitors are now also known as the "capacitor", but the word "condenser" is still used today. First mentioned by the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta in 1782 (from the Italian condensatore), with regard to the ability of the appliance to store a high electrical charge than other components. 

Polyester capacitor
insulating material used is polyester which dapt provide a relatively high capacitance value. The second metal plate using a paper material or film material which is injected into the insulation.

READ MORE - Capacitor

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kinds of Resistors

Fixed Resistor
  • Carbon film resistor is one of the most common types of resistors used and has very good frequency response. Carbon Film Resistor material is a mixture of carbon with a long piece of ceramic rods. This resistor value itself is marked with color code.

  • Metal film resistor is made from a mixture of metal and ceramic. physical form of resistor is the same with carbon resistor, which determines the value of resistance equal to the carbon resistor. This resistor difference is the accuracy with carbon resistors and resistor has a temperature coefisient and lower noise, and do not have a voltage coefisient.

  • Fuse Resistor is a resistor that functions as a fuse. If the current through the resistor is very large, the resistance of this resistor will be turned into a very large, even infinite.

  • Power Wirewound Resistor, These resistors have a larger physical form other resisor, and is commonly used circuits that require very large power. At the time of operation, this resistor can generate substantial heat so it is often covered by other materials such as anodized aluminum, Fiberglass Mandels, ceramic tubes, ceramic rods, etc.

  • Precision resistors Wirewound, resistors are the most suitable for use in the DC circuit because it has a very high degree of accuracy up to 0005%, and TCR (Temperature coefficient of resistance) is very low. This resistor is used on the regulator is best suited and least suited to radio frequency (RF) because it has a resonance frequency Q is very low.

  • Standard resistor NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a type of resistor used on the instruments, and is standard in verification token accuracy of a measuring tool.These resistors have a TCR of low and very stable compared to the Precision Wirewound Resistors, and has the highest accuracy of up to 0001%.
  • SIP (singgle In Line) is  is a resistor arranged in parallel, and are made in one package. This resistor is usually called Resistor Pack or R-pack.

READ MORE - Kinds of Resistors

Friday, July 9, 2010


Thermistor is a resistor that is usually used to measure temperature. Thermiastor will work if exposed to temperatures or temperature, whereby when the temperature of the thermistor changes in thermistor resistance will also vary. Thermistor is generally made of ceramic or polymer materials. Reference standard thermistor temperature is at room temperature is 25 ° C.

NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficienct)

At the time the surrounding temperature rise resistance value decreases. NTC is a semiconducting ceramic resistor produced by sintering the material at high temperatures, and using metal oxide as the main ingredient.

PTC (Positive Temperature coefficient thermistor)

At the time the surrounding temperature rise resistance value increases.PTC is made of the BaTiO3 ceramics. 

BaTiO3 ceramics is a kind of typical ferroelectric material with a resistivity greater than 10 12 Ω.cm temperatures below normal.

CTR (Critical Temperature Resistor)

Resistance value will decrease rapidly when the temperature

rises above the surrounding temperature is a key point.
READ MORE - Thermistor


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